Monday, September 26, 2016

Homemade Tartar Sauce

From what I've read over the years, tartar sauce is a French sauce developed from an eastern Mediterranean sauce based upon "tahini," a sauce or paste made from ground sesame seeds and oil. Tartar sauce is a common accompaniment to seafood, but it is also used as a dip for vegetables and French fries, or as a spread for sandwiches. 


1 cup mayonnaise (reduced fat is fine)
3 teaspoons finely chopped sweet gherkins
1 tablespoon finely chopped mild dill pickle
2 tablespoons onion, finely chopped (red or white)
1 tablespoon chopped capers
juice of half a lemon
1 tablespoon grainy brown mustard
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground white or black pepper
1 tablespoon sugar (more if still too tart)
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Mix the sugar with the Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice to dissolve it. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, cover and chill for at least an hour. 

Curry-English has other words of this spelling, but this is the one meaning, "spice mixture." It was borrowed into English in the late 1600s from the Tamil language of southern India and its word "kari." The word is also used as a verb to mean, "prepare food with a curry sauce," although it is more commonly used to describe a dish made with sauce using curry powder, and then referred to as, "curried," as in "curried lamb" or "curried vegetables." Tamil is one of the languages of the Dravidian family of languages, a separate language family from Indo European, the family to which English belongs.  

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