Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Strangulation Continues

If you've been watching the price of oil and gasoline lately, it's been on the rise. The masters of greed come up with any and all reasons to keep raising the prices. Up until a few days ago, it was the very cold weather that gripped much of the country that was the excuse for the rise in oil and gas prices. After just a few days of milder temperatures, CNBC says that now its because the "summer driving season is just around the corner." We're in February folks!!!

I'm slowly but surely becoming radicalized about many of these issues. I'm actually amazed how docile so many Americans are anymore. They've given up hope to ever regain some control over their lives, or to combat those financial bigwigs who are just strangling us in so many ways. We voted for change last November, don't let those who won forget that!!! Don't weep for the monied folks. When taxes on wealth were much higher, they kicked and whined, but they were still the wealthy. Now, with much lower rates of taxation, they are the "wealthier," and they still whine.

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Blogger S/V Cosmic Debris said...

Try florida on for size. High RE taxes, so have do something. Let's raise sales tax 25%. Let us have those with nothing bear all the cost of government. Income tax, oh no, that will keep people from coming to florida. And it will only tax those who have earnings to pay for it. Not a good idea.

7:18 AM  

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