Friday, May 18, 2007

Government Intervention Is Necessary

For years we've heard how if only we would help the oil companies, they would supply our energy needs and build new refineries, etc. Well, the Bush Administration gave big tax breaks to the oil companies, and now all of these years later, we hear about tight supplies, refinery outages, refining capacity below 90% and no new refineries. All of the BS was just that, BS. The money went to many of the wealthiest people in the world. There is no incentive for oil execs and investors to build capacity in anything; they're raking it in in record amounts, and there is no end in site. Soon we'll all be vassals of the world oil kingpins, if we aren't already. It is time for the government to act, although with Bush as president, the chances of ANY action is virtually nil, but the end of his term is in sight. (Hey, I hear "hallelujahs and amens!") With a country so dependent on petroleum products, we can't leave such a commodity in the hands of the few. This is a national security issue, too, as terrorists have plotted many times to damage oil well production and or refineries.

It is time for the government to build refineries of its own, or to just plainly "nationalize" the entire oil industry. If such a proposal came to the fore, the oil execs would cringe, look hell wards, and scream, "Oh! Oh! This is the big one. I'm comin' to join you John D.!" The pressures continue to build. Something is going to have to give eventually. Either we have some political solution by "evolutionary means," or there is going to be action by "revolutionary means." I can't imagine that the American people are just going to continue to stand idly by while more and more wealth is transferred to the richest people in the world.

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