Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Convert Gained

Since I did the Steinbrenner/pro sports blog recently, I thought I would add this little story. Greed and ego trips eventually become so obvious to folks, that little by little people catch on and begin to "see the light." Actually, I think most people "see the light," but they just can't bring themselves to face the reality. If you love a particular sport, or all sports, it isn't easy to walk away from these love affairs, and some of you may think I'm being to harsh and cynical, but all I can say is, as time passes, you, like the guy in the story, will finally face up to the world of professional sports. This is a true story.

In 1995, when I was managing property, one elderly and handicapped Section 8 building I managed didn't have an office. The company I worked for managed another building right around the corner, and we operated out of that building, managed by a lady with the company. It was a really nice building and they contracted with a company to maintain the grounds, if I remember right. Well, the Indians were in the World Series that year, and the guy who maintained the grounds happened to be at the building when I had stopped by. He asked the manager if she had watched the game the night before. She wasn't a sports fan, and she admitted that she really didn't follow baseball, but that she had tuned in because Cleveland was involved. She took a batter's stance and said, "They all looked so serious when they were up at bat." I couldn't keep my mouth shut with such an opportunity, and I said, "They were serious because they were thinking about how they were going to spend all of those millions." Well, the grounds' contractor said, "That wasn't a nice thing to say. What, you're against baseball?" I told him, "Well, I love baseball, THE GAME, but this stuff is ALL about money, and ONLY about money! It isn't just baseball, but ALL professional sports, and it is both the players and the owners." I think he looked at my sport coat to see if I was wearing a hammer and sickle pin, which I wasn't, and he said, "You're just being against things!" He was really upset!

The Series ended, and within a couple of days came the announcement that Art Modell, the owner of the Cleveland Browns, was moving the team to Baltimore, essentially because of a bruised ego and mo' money, mo' money, mo' money! (Hey, it's tough being a multi-millionaire. Modell made a statement that he "had to look out for his family." If I remember correctly, he was worth somewhere around $160 million. Now I know it can be difficult to get by on such a paltry sum, but maybe he should have considered some lifestyle changes. Of course later, it came out that he had been a spendthrift, and later still, after the team had moved and won a Super Bowl, that even with all of the subsidies offered by Baltimore, worth many millions, Modell still had to take in a partner, because he had blown much of the money!

About a week later, the grounds' contractor was at the building again. I really wasn't all that thrilled to even see him, since he had been so upset with my comment, and had been "huffing and puffing," that day. Lo and behold, he came over to me in front of the manager and said, "You were right!" I looked at him and played dumbed, something I do sooooo well. "Right about what, " I asked. "About professional sports. Now I see what you mean. I was mad when you said that during the World Series, but I'm a die hard Browns' fan, and I'm devastated by Modell's action." I'm going to end this story right here.

Okay, almost "right here." There isn't anything they won't do, I'm telling you, folks. They are absolutely treacherous!


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