Monday, February 11, 2008

Plain Dealer Endorsements

Since I do a good many political blogs, here is a link to the (Cleveland) Plain Dealer endorsements. For readers, some will agree, some will disagree, and others won't give a ...darn. I haven't truly decided yet in the Democratic race, but I probably "lean" toward McCain in the Republican race. I'm a big believer in ideas being put forth in campaigns, and while I most certainly won't be voting for a Republican for president in '08, McCain will have good people around him, and he's not afraid to say when he basically agrees with the "other side," although this outreach on some issues has obviously gotten him into trouble with a fair number of conservatives. So we'll have to see if he continues to be his own man with this genuine outreach, or whether he will become just another politician as he tries to court the staunchly conservative wing of the Republican Party. Personally, I don't have to agree with everything a candidate favors in order to respect them. Naturally, all of us have certain issues dear to our hearts, and those issues tip any balance we may have toward one candidate or another. In '08, it is my fervent belief that we've got to change the business and wealth dominated policies of the country for the sake of average people, and we can only do that by electing a Democrat as president, and by electing more Democrats to Congress. This system is out of balance, and balance needs to be restored. For you Republicans, fear not, because if what I've just written comes true, then eventually Democrats will go too far in some things, and we'll need Republicans to come back. Anyway:

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