Wednesday, September 17, 2008

THANK YOU George W. Bush!

THANK YOU Mr. President! For what? For your administration's stewardship of the American economy for nearly eight years. To paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, "Never in the field of human endeavor, has so much been mismanaged, by so few, in such a short time!" We've had millions of manufacturing jobs lost. Does Bush intend to cede manufacturing anything and everything to other countries completely? I thought you were for national security. Thank you for protecting us against terrorism, except that you forgot some of the biggest terrorists in the world; that is, the greediest segment of American society. Thank you, too, Mr. President, for more uninsured Americans; after all, who the hell cares about people who don't have health insurance, anyway? We know you don't! That's obviously that "compassionate conservatism" you talked about. Thank you for wage and benefit cuts for so many American workers. Without you, it probably couldn't have been achieved. Thank you, especially, from the wealthiest Americans who have benefited so much from your tax cuts and policies. They know you've tried hard to "make the tax cuts permanent," so that every billionaire and millionaire will know where their next million is coming from. And thank you for the ballooning budget deficits that threaten the very heart of this country. Thank you for sky high oil, gasoline and natural gas, and the transfer of wealth to the countries who oppose this nation in so many things. We know that the free markets really work, and that speculators have nothing to do with driving up prices just for money! Oh, and let's not forget the soaring cost of just about anything you want to mention, including food. And finally, thank you for trying to do for Social Security, what you've done for the American economy!

If you agree with thanking this Republican president for all of the above, make sure you vote for John McCain in November.

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