Friday, March 05, 2010

Gas Cramps

I hope you will take a moment to click on the link below and to check out the article. Americans are easily distracted, and the economy, health care reform , the Winter Olympics, and a fresh pot of coffee can divert attention from other important issues. Trust me, oil and gas prices are VERY important, and the price of both played an important role in bringing the economy to its knees; something glossed over because of the magnitude of the housing mess the "wealthy interests" got us into, although not without a lot of help from others. (A Word History is below the link)

Duke-This word goes back to Indo European "deuk," which meant "to lead" (in a very broad sense, as for instance, it is also the source of our word "tug," a small boat that pulls; that is, "leads" a larger boat or ship). This gave Latin "dux," which initially meant "military commander," but later also meant the more specific "military leader of a province," and in some cases just "a type of prince or noble who leads a province." (Mussolini took the name "Duce," or "leader," which is a modern Italian form of the word, and combined the meanings of "military leader and governmental leader.") The Latin gave Old French "duc," and this, in turn, gave English "duke" in the 1100s, but at that time it was only used as a title for foreign leaders who already carried that title, and it was not until the 1300s that English began using "duke" as a title for a particular English nobleman.

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