Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Struggles of Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney is in the lead in delegates, at present, for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, but he has struggled, and he continues to struggle. In the end, he may well get the nomination, but then again, he could lose, as the hardcore conservative base of the GOP seems determined to keep him from leading the Republican ticket. These are the "true believers," folks, not that every opponent of Romney belongs to that crowd, but these people want to take the country back to some distant century, but I'll be damned of I can figure out just which century that is. I'm certain if they had lived in the 1920s they would have basked in the limited government of the "Roaring Twenties," but they would not have taken responsibility for the economic collapse of the early 1930s. They undoubtedly would have stomped about and pouted over the New Deal and they would have called Franklin Roosevelt any number of names, with "socialist" being the kindest and least likely to be censored. I say this, because that's what they've done in recent times. Since Ronald Reagan they have loved deregulation of anything and everything, and they have been in absolute love with tax cuts, especially for the wealthiest segment of the American population. When the system they built came crashing down, they denied virtually any responsibility, and they stomped and pouted over bailouts of banks and auto companies, and they called President Obama any number of names, with "socialist" being the kindest and least likely to be censored (Hm, this passage sounds familiar). They blamed Obama for the bailouts they hated, conveniently forgetting the bailouts were started under the administration of George W. Bush.

Now they want Obama's head, and they're willing to pay lots of money to get it, but they want a "true believer" to handle the ax, not a guy from Michigan, or is it New Hampshire, or is it Massachusetts? Where the hell is this guy from, anyway? At times he reminds me of the Howells in "Gilligan's Island," where in one episode they bring out a suitcase full of keys to all of their homes. Success is one thing, excess is another, and we'll have to see which tag truly fits Mr. Romney, but that's for another day. The "true believers" don't believe Romney, and if I were a "true believer," I suppose I wouldn't either. He's changed numerous positions on issues, not the least of which is on health care. In case you're not a "true believer," Obama's health care reform is like a red flag to a bull to the "true believers." Ole! Romney was governor in Massachusetts and signed into law (near) universal health care coverage, complete with mandates; the first of any state in the nation. He has now twisted and turned so many times over the law, if you sprinkled salt on him, he'd be a pretzel. Instead of owning up to the law and making the case that it was the right thing to do, any flaws notwithstanding, the former governor says if he's elected, he'll act to repeal Obama's reforms. Do as I say, not as I did.

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Blogger Seth said...

How I like your sense of humor. Ole!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Johnniew said...

They sure ARE willing to pay any amount to bring down Obama. He hasn't been bad. Don't forget what he inherited!

3:44 PM  

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