Friday, May 03, 2013

The Super Wealthy and The Rest Of Us

The super obsession with money has deep roots in this country, so much so, that the wealthy interests have always sought to keep Americans divided and to profit, literally, from those divisions. For more than three decades the gap between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of us has been growing. This didn't just happen, WE helped them rape us! The big money interests convinced millions of less than super wealthy Americans to support laws to benefit their interests. Wealthy business interests hate unions. They got states to pass so called "right to work" laws, many in the South, weakening unions. They are still pushing such laws today. Of course the "claim" was how they were just being democratic (small "d"). Once they had a number of states with such laws, they began moving plants and jobs to those states. For you folks in so called "right to work" states, don't complain when these same people move jobs from your states overseas. This is what YOU helped them do to states with labor unions, now they have turned their sites on you.

Then they got laws passed opening the flood gates to cheaper foreign products. As American companies struggled to compete against the far cheaper foreign goods, jobs were lost in this country, but businesses then started shipping plants and jobs overseas to cheaper labor nations. I shouldn't have to explain this to any American, but some just don't get it. We won't have to dig up Einstein to tell us that if American workers make $30 an hour in a plant and workers in certain foreign countries make $30 a WEEK, guess which plant can afford to sell its products cheaper? On top of that, there aren't as many product safety regulations in low wage countries, so we've had scares over foods, toys and other products. When we were competing against more developed nations, there was not as much imbalance in prices and regulations. As wages and benefits for many Americans fell, some had little or no choice but to buy cheaper foreign made goods, something the big money people knew would happen. Others got jobs in some way involved in importing or distributing such foreign goods, forming a constituency for cheaper goods. Play one American off against the other = big bucks for the monied interests. The concept is not hard to understand. Remember, purist capitalism is NOT about patriotism, or doing the right thing for workers and their families, it is only about making money, and more money, and more money.

As I mentioned above, the interests are still pushing laws to break up unions, a disaster for all of us just waiting to happen if they succeed. Don't listen to their absolute nonsense rhetoric, THINK!  What this all comes down to is, they aren't going through all of this to pay you more, they want to cut your wages/benefits and get more profit and tax cuts for themselves, the wealthiest Americans. They have so much, they don't know what to do with all of their $$$, except make more. Don't forget, they got right to work in many states. Why? More money for themselves. They sent jobs overseas, why? More money for themselves! Only united opposition can stop such nonsense. They fear government and Americans looking out for other Americans, why? Do bugs like Raid? Hell no! If you want to know why they've been so successful, you only need to go look in the mirror for one of the culprits, and that includes me. We not only let them get away with this, we gave them a helping hand.

Cut-The ultimate origins of this word are unclear. It goes back to North Germanic "kuttjana," which meant "to cut," but why North Germanic had the word and not the other Germanic languages is not known (English, by the way, is West Germanic),^ although forms in the other Germanic languages could have died out. It could have been a North Germanic "invention" too, or it could have been borrowed by North Germanic from one of the ancient languages it came into contact with. Danish raiders and settlers in England spoke Old Norse, a form of North Germanic from a thousand and more years ago. They brought the word "kuti" with them, which was borrowed into English as "cyttan/kyttan," a word assumed to have existed. This borrowing is assumed to have taken place well before the Normans invaded England in 1066 A.D., but the word sort of remained in the shadows, as English already had other words for "cut," represented in their modern forms by "carve," "snide," "hew" and "shear." Old English "cyttan/kyttan" then became "cutten," before the modern form. The noun form was derived from the verb circa 1500. Swedish dialect still has "kåta," a noun for "a cut."        
^ The basic principles here are, Old Germanic was an offshoot of Indo European. Old Germanic then divided into strong regional dialects now called North, West and East Germanic, which then divided into numerous dialects, some of which then eventually formed somewhat "standard forms" to become modern languages, albeit with a variety of dialects of those languages. East Germanic died out, but its most prominent representatives were Gothic, Burgundian (it is from the Germanic tribe the Burgundians that the region of France known as "Burgundy" got its name), and Vandalic (it is from the Germanic tribe the Vandals that we have the words "vandal" and "vandalize." North Germanic's most prominent modern languages are Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic. West Germanic is most represented in modern times by English, German, Low German, Dutch and Frisian.   

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Blogger Johnniew said...

U hit the nail on the head! Giving money to rich Americans helps no one, not even rich Americans, because they don't really need it.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Seth said...

Glad UR back Johnnie. And the article is spot on.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Seth said...

I want to add you are right, the big boys and girls are not going this to pay Americans more. You've put it simply and to the point.

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all the republican idiots want money for rich people, bah!

2:15 PM  

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