Saturday, May 19, 2007

You Can't Turn Your Back On the Greedy

While most people and the media have been focusing on the price of gasoline, the "disciples of greed" have been bidding up the price of natural gas. Just when you thought you had nearly paid for last winter, they're preparing to take you to the cleaners next winter, if not before. They NEVER, EVER REST. You'd have to stay awake 24 hours a day, seven days a week to even be near keeping up with these members of the American Al Qaida; the terrorists among us. Again, these are the VERY wealthiest people on Mother Earth! Their money managers may even be more ruthless than the clients.

Just another word on gasoline prices, Friday on CNBC, one of these American Al Qaida actually had the nerve to try to put spin on gas prices, saying that the cost of gas is a relatively small percentage compared to the actual cost of the vehicle and maintenance on that vehicle. Of course, cobra venom is a very small percentage of a snake, too. What a bunch of scoundrels!!!

When will we say, "We've had enough!" ?

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