Saturday, November 10, 2007

Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are!

First, this is a good article:

When are Democrats going to start standing up and getting some accountability about these soaring prices? If they don't start soon, I'm of the mind to support some third party effort by a group that at least has some principles and some BACKBONE!!! Some group that wants to start taking back this country from the robber barons who are firmly in control now. In my opinion, Democrats in Congress spent far too much valuable time chasing after Gonzales, the former attorney general. They need to take action on things that make a real, definable difference in people's every day lives. So Democrats, come out from wherever it is that you're hiding!!!

Just a further note: Natural gas is also climbing higher, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what is fast becoming the nonsense of "supply and demand," the mantra of the wealthy interests of this country. Natural gas is at near record storage levels.


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