Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Did The New Deal Ideas Destroy America?

The answer to the question is, "No!" The New Deal and the later government programs did not destroy America, and I would say that they strengthened America. First, I'm NOT arguing that the New Deal or any other government initiatives are sacrosanct or perfect; they were/are not, but neither are all private sector endeavors. The general trend from the New Deal on into the 1960s was to try to make America a fairer society. Many of the programs intiated during those times helped millions of Americans move solidly into the middle class, but they stepped on the toes of many in the upper reaches of American society. There are some valid criticisms of many of these programs, but after all was said and done, the rich ended up still being the rich. The thing was, the expanded middle class gave even more stability to the country. Workers at many jobs earned wages sufficient to raise and support their families, and job-related benefits began to grow, too. All of this bothered the hell out of the rich and their want-to-be rich supporters, so here we are today in an America where the rich almost totally dominate; wages for workers, in terms of purchasing power, fairly stagnant for quite some time, and many households requiring more than one income to have a decent lifestyle, or to even survive, in some cases. Many job-related benefits have been or are being cut, including health care. All the while, the incomes of the upper sector of our society having been increasing at an alarming rate. They were the rich before, and they couldn't spend it all then, but now.....!!! Executives making hundreds of times more than the average worker!!! We really need to think folks; what kind of a country do we want? If you're living a fairly decent existence right now, just think what kind of lifestyle you might have if YOUR wages/benefits are the next to hit the chopping block, or if the economy takes a substantial hit. You'll relate very quickly to what I'm saying THEN, but we need to act BEFORE those things happen.


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