Monday, April 28, 2008

Kick Us Again!

Does your pocketbook feel any lighter theses days? Unless you're a wealthy investor, it should feel lighter, quite a bit lighter. As oil and gasoline prices have soared, the wealthy now have natural gas soaring ever higher, and they don't even have a "Katrina" to use as an excuse. And this is spring, a time when natural gas prices usually come down. If you use natural gas for your main heat source, wait until you get you bills next winter.

Then there's the skyrocketing price of food to contend with. The wealthy investors (known to me as "the sit on their ass class") have been all over the board to give justification for the escalating price of many food stuffs. And talk about going in circles, only this bunch of greedy, ruthless SOBs would drive up the cost of fuel, and then turn around and say that higher gasoline costs are one of the main reasons food prices are climbing. Of course, the main reason is, they are driving up the cost of everything. By the time they're done (will they ever have enough money?), none of us may have a "pot to pee in, or a window to throw it out of."

More than one analyst on CNBC (a cable business station, for those unaware) last week had the good sense to say what I said in a blog a few months ago; that is, these wealthy SOBs will NEVER let you enjoy that "stimulus" money from Uncle Sam, and that the economy will suffer even more because of it. They're going to take the stimulus money, and much more. Then one analyst, who essentially said the same as above, had to go and ruin his just uttered common sense by saying to the effect that, of course, the people making money on oil will take that money and spend it, and that will help the economy. And here I thought he was smart. The idea that millionaires and billionaires who made an extra several million on oil last week will now be prompted to run out and buy a new car or a refrigerator or a new pair of underwear is pure nonsense! They have so much money that they can buy virtually anything without making any further money on oil, or gas, or corn or wheat, or soybeans, or rice... just pretty much name it! I'll tell you what they WILL do with the extra millions, they'll use them to keep driving up the price of everything, until none of US will be able to afford a new pair of underwear. If you thought the transfer of wealth from the "unrich" to the wealthy has been bad up until now, hold onto you hats, or maybe I should say , your wallets.

Food riots have broken out in several places around the world in recent weeks. I'm still waiting to see how long Americans will sit here and keep telling the wealthy, "Kick me again, that last wasn't hard enough."

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