Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pro-Working People Organization

Maybe you've already seen something about this, and maybe you've even joined, but anyway, here is a link to a group organized by the AFL-CIO. Now, don't get all jittery, if you have concerns about unions. Unions have helped many people move up in life, even if they didn't belong to a union, as unions set standards for workers. In these times where so many Americans are under "attack" by the wealthy and business interests, we've got to find ways to combat them. If we fail, they're going to destroy us. I would urge you to join, and if possible, to make the $5.00 voluntary contribution. Check out the benefits of joining. Remember, unless you're in the top 15-20% income level, you probably haven't been progressing much, and chances are, you may even be losing ground, as millions of Americans have lost their homes or filed bankruptcy in just the last couple of years, and the predictions are that there will be at least one million foreclosures just THIS year! Don't let the "Interests" divide us! That is their way of keeping money and power.

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