Saturday, July 12, 2008

Quit Whining and Go To Debtors' Prison

Ever the one with a stern thought for the day, former Senator Phil Gramm, THE economic advisor to John McCain's campaign, this week gave us all a good thrashing. When asked about the poor economy, he said it was all in our heads that the economy is not doing well. So I take it then, that the problems with the economy are just an illusion. Now, within the circle of people in which Phil Gramm travels, I'd say he's probably correct, as the rich are doing just fine, "Thank You!" So remember, by the end of this year, millions of Americans will have lost their homes in just the past three years, with 2.5 million just THIS year. That's no illusion, Mr. Gramm! Millions more will have lost health insurance during the Bush years. That's no illusion, Mr. Gramm! Millions more will have gone into bankruptcy. That's no illusion, Mr. Gramm! As to you and your friends, the income gap has widened to a point not seen since just before the Great Depression; thus giving America a "reverse Robin Hood;" take from the poor and middle income people and give to the rich! No wonder old Phil thinks things are so dandy! Hmm, I wonder if Phil is invested in oil and gas? Those folks are every bit as cheerful as Phil.

Further, Phil didn't want to just leave us with his thoughts on the economy, but also on Americans in general. He said we're just a bunch of whiners. Give me Phil's money, and I guarantee that you won't hear a peep outta me. I won't even write another blog. (Hey, what's that applause for???)

So folks, take old Phil's advice, and when you go to file bankruptcy, do it with a smile! When you get kicked out of your home, no whining, now! When you put twenty bucks of gas into your vehicle, don't whine when the needle barely moves. You'll make Phil Gramm just one big happy man. Another thing that would definitely bring a smile to his face would be for the country to bring back "debtors' prison." What a fun guy!

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