Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oil Speculation

Here is the link to a good article about what might or might not happen in the halls of Congress about the rising price of oil. To be quite honest, since taking control of Congress in the '06 elections, Democrats have been timid to act, in my opinion. They grumble, but that's been pretty much it. Republican members of Congress, terrified about their current prospects for coming election, might well join Democrats in actually DOING SOMETHING! I think the American people are FAR ahead of their leaders on these things, and in the actions we would support. We aren't stupid! Don't forget, if wealthy interests can drive up the cost of oil, then they also benefit on their gasoline futures' contracts, as gasoline is then bound to go up, since oil is the main ingredient in gasoline. If there were a "bread" futures market, if you can get the price of flour way up, bread has to increase too. (By the way, the price of wheat is WAY up, and thus so is the price of flour. See how it works?)

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