Compromise Can Be Dangerous
Now Republicans, instead of being fiscally responsible, have more or less demanded that the "Bush tax cuts" be renewed for every income level, including the super, super, super rich.** Then on top of that, they want the tax on estates left by multimillionaires to be lowered to about 35%.*** I've heard several figures tossed out there, but needless to say, there aren't many Americans who would have to pay the upper rate, something around only 40,000. Let's see....if you have the "minimum" upper level estate of 3 million dollars, the tax would be $1.65 million, and the estate would still have $1.35 million in value. I'll tell you, getting by on that could be difficult! Anybody want to leave me that paltry amount in their will? I'll struggle along on it. Did I mention that all of this tax cutting for the wealthy will go on the national credit card? Yep! All of the money in the entire tax package will be borrowed (much of it probably from the Chinese). So, the country is going to borrow more money to give money to people who have so much money now, they can't spend all of it.
Some economists feel this will all stimulate the economy and help bring down the unemployment rate, which certainly is an admirable goal. Let me tell you what I think will happen. It may help somewhat, but the wealthy will turn their tax "savings" over to their money managers and hedge funds. These ruthless people will then drive up prices on EVERYTHING! There will be additional income transfer from your pockets to the bank accounts of America's elite. In the end, all of us will suffer the consequences, and it will all be done with borrowed money. We hear how "you can't raise taxes, even on the wealthy, in a recession." Well, it hasn't bothered the wealthy one bit in driving up the price of oil and gasoline "in a recession." I'm telling you, in the not too distant future, the $4 to $5 a gallon for gas of a couple of years ago will look "good." The income disparity in the country will not abate, it will grow larger. The estate tax cut will allow more concentration at the very top, where essentially now the top 1% owns more of the national wealth than than the bottom 90%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Folks, if this doesn't bother you, it should, and it will have an impact on your life or the lives of your children or grandchildren. It should scare the livin' hell out of you! As the days have passed, at least some folks, Republicans and Democrats, have looked over this whole thing and they have begun to dislike it.
The Democrats have blasted the Republicans for tax cuts for the rich for years. Now a Democratic president seems to be saying, "I didn't really mean it." Just from what I've heard on some television programs from people with contacts within both political parties, the Republicans were astounded how quickly President Obama gave in to all of their demands, especially on the estate tax. The President at least needed to make Republicans defend, VERY PUBLICLY, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans; tax cuts being put on the national credit card bill. The country is going to have to deal with all of this debt. When they come to cut things you or your family or your neighbors need, just remember all of these tax cuts for the wealthy. I've been preaching here for years how the wealthy have absolutely taken over the country. They LOVE Republicans, but they have deep affection for Democrats, as they are not a hell of a lot better. Lest we forget, Republican pushed deregulation (aided by "some" Democrats) of the banking industry was pursued for years, ending with the "Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act," a gift to wealthy bankers that has brought the country to the abyss, as it is the immediate cause for our current economic problems. It was a compromise signed by President Clinton, a Democrat!****
The time for all of this negotiation about shoving money into the hands of America's wealthy was a month or two BEFORE this last election, not AFTER the election, Mr. President! This guy needs a crash course in politics. (A Word History is below the notes)
* For more information, see:
** Personally, I favor raising the top level from the $250,000 to like a half million. If you're making a half mil, you're not poor, not that 250 thousand is small change. Keep in mind, those earning the $250,000 (or half million favored by me) would still have their taxes reduced up to that level. It is only on the amount above that they would pay about 3.5% more. Some prominent wealthy folks like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have said taxes on wealthy people like themselves should NOT be extended.
*** Due to a quirk in the law passed during George W. Bush's term, there is NO estate tax right now! It is scheduled to go to a maximum 55% on amounts OVER 3 million dollars in 2011. The tax percentage varies on lesser amounts. So, you must have an estate worth in excess of 3 mil to pay the top rate. Presently, I'm a ways off....ah....quite a ways off! The Obama-GOP Bill would do two things to alter the 2011 estate tax: it would lower the maximum tax to 35% AND raise to $5 million/$10 million (depending upon status) the beginning amount subject to that maximum tax. Again, billionaires like Buffett have said that this is wrong, and that it even goes against the capitalist principle of "meritocracy;" that is, by being able to pass huge sums on to others, those people will not have to be "good at anything," rather they will be fantastically wealthy without having to have proven themselves in the market place.
**** For more on "Gramm-Leach-Bliley" see:
Wealth (Weal)-This word, related to "well" (as in, "well off, financially or health wise"), goes back to the Indo European root "wel," which had the notion of "to wish, to desire, to will." This gave Old Germanic "welon," which meant "well being, welfare (not the government program), possessions, riches" (all things humans "desire"). This then gave Old English "wela/weola," with the same general meaning. This then became "wele" and eventually what is now the archaic "weal." By the 1200s, a "th" was added to the end, perhaps in imitation of "health." By the latter part of the 1300s, a "y" had been tacked onto the ending to mean "people of great means, the rich" (in a collective sense). Close English relative German has "Wohl," a noun, meaning "well being, welfare." In the other Germanic languages, the related words are more closely associated with English "well," or they are used in compounds that match English "welfare" (Norwegian has "velferd," for example, and German has the direct word, "Wohlfahrt").
Labels: Bill Clinton, Bush tax cuts, deficit spending, Democrats, deregulation, English, etymology, Germanic languages, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, President Obama, regulation, Republicans, the wealthy, transfer of wealth
If someone puts you in their will, I hope you'll put my in yours. I don't care what the tax amount is.
You have hit the nail on the head. Worry about deficits, until it's about the rich. Then it is OK.
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