Friday, October 14, 2011

You Won't Need A Time Machine

I'm republishing this article with a "Word History" and a few minor changes to update it. It was first published in June 2007, and unfortunately, it remains relevant.

We've all read books or seen movies where people get into a time machine and go off to the past. In fact, didn't the little guy on the "Bullwinkle" series use a time machine, "Mr Peabody," wasn't it? Well, the way things are developing for working people in this country, in the not too distant future, working folks will be able to experience what working folks haven't experienced since about 1925! I'm not a labor historian, but I've got to believe that its been about that long since American big business people and wealthy investors (essentially the same thing) so dominated American workers. As unions continue to decline, the bulwark against "the Interests" is eroding. You may not always agree with unions, but folks, without them, I shudder to think where American working people would be, however, "serfdom" is not too far from the answer.

Unions have benefited all workers, because they gave us a floor for wages in many industries, and because they achieved much in the way of health insurance and other benefits, they also gave non-union workers a chance to shoot for many of the same benefits, although perhaps on a somewhat smaller scale. Let me tell you something, if unions lose much more influence, or certainly if they pretty much disappear, look out America!!! It is no coincidence that as unions have declined, the OPPOSITE situation has developed, as wages have been slashed in many fields, jobs outsourced, and corporate power, and the overall power of the wealthy, has increased.

If you aren't a union member and you think that you're pretty secure in your income and benefits, wait until the aforementioned time comes. If you think unions are unimportant to your life, think again. If you indeed make a decent living with good benefits, you probably have that lifestyle because of unions setting the standards. Without unions to provide standards, how long do you think it will take our American wealthy and business people to begin to cut wages and benefits even more than they are doing now? We will need to dig up Lincoln just to sign an "Emancipation Proclamation For Working People." This isn't brain surgery, nor is it Einstein's Theory, it is happening. It is happening right as you read this, as unions are sadly in decline, and wages are stagnant, at best, and various benefits are being cut for many, many workers. Huge oil and gas profits continue to drain money from the pocketbooks of most Americans into the bank accounts of the wealthiest Americans.

If you're not a wealthy investor, CEO, or some such title, you are a working person! You should not be ashamed to be called a "working person;" indeed, you should be proud. Working people need to really get with it and unite against the common threat that is coming our way (actually already upon us). In the end, people will have to make very serious choices. It will NOT be painless. If you thought our ancestors had already fought the tough battles and made the sacrifices to get worker rights, benefits, and decent wages for all time, you are sadly mistaken. They certainly fought those battles, but the wealthy interests are turning the clock back at an astounding pace, just as certainly. Again, we will all have to make choices: Do we stand together against this terrible threat, or do we side with the "lords of the manor?" This is a choice that everyone will have to make. It will be difficult, since the wealthy control so much of this great country. They are making it VERY tough for many people to oppose them, and they will continue to do so. In fact, just as serfs did so many, many years ago, some folks will just be grateful to the lords for having a job and some wages, whatever pitiful sum it may be. The choices will also fall on law enforcement. Will they stand with their fellow workers in the country, or will they continue to prop up and protect the wealthiest 5 or 6% of the population? If you're retired and feel that you really don't have a dog in this fight, think again. What about your children, grand children, or great grandchildren? I'm telling you flat out, when the wealthy get total control, it will be miserable. And they and their stooges will come after your retirement benefits, so you are NOT safe!

Of course, maybe the ruthless, money-grubbing, egomaniacs will all see the light, and we'll all live happily ever after. Unfortunately, this is NOT a fairy tale. The sacrifices of those who have gone before us are being lost. The situation is deteriorating so much, that even the working conditions of 1925 may look good in the not too distant future, as we look at things from the perspective of people's conditions from let's say...1215. Hey, anybody need help at a castle? "Will work for food."

Money-The ultimate origins of this word are unknown. It goes back to the Roman goddess "Juno," and a title she carried, "Moneta." Her temple was used to mint coins, and the term eventually transferred to the minted coins as "moneta." Where her title of "Moneta" came from is uncertain, but "some" have speculated it came from Latin "monere," which meant "to advise," thus the title would be "advisor." Even if correct, where Latin got "monere" is unknown. Anyway, Latin "moneta" was inherited by Old French as "moneie," meaning "coins, money," and this was borrowed into English during the 1200s with the same meaning and even initially with the same spelling, which then altered to "moneye," before the modern version. The term later came to be applied paper bills as well as to coins.

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Blogger Seth said...

Lets see, wealthy people and the 'Word History' is for 'money.' I get the connection. Haha! You make many great points and we need to pay attention.

11:31 AM  

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