Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rolling Back Fascism Is Not Easy, Part Three

This was first published in January 2013 (Note 7/30/17: Much has happened since early 2013, and we are now in a terrible situation with a brooding nutcase in the White House, who has essentially been unapologetic for mobilizing fascists in his own cause. We need to stand up to fascists! We don't need a Führer, a Duce, or a Vladimir Putin!

"Right Wing Extremism In The United States"

Germans, and especially traditional conservative Germans, through then President von Hindenburg,* "invited" Hitler and the Nazis to take power in January 1933, thinking they, the conservatives, would really be the ones in control, since the cabinet was well stocked with their own members. Hitler then outwitted them, threw off any controls on himself, and the conservatives became complicit in that ruthless, murderous regime, which made Attila the Hun almost look like a candidate for sainthood. Hitler then convinced Germans that HIS interest was THEIR interest, dragging the nation through years of aerial bombardment, death, destruction and defeat, all the while forcing Germans, at gunpoint, to continue the war to keep his sorry evil ass in power. Many a German died at the hands of the Nazis for real or perceived desertion or for simply expressing the need for peace or speaking the obvious truth that the war could not be won.** Speaking about reality was, therefore, a crime, while spouting delusional nonsense about "final victory," and that all was well with the nation, was praised, even when Allied forces were just blocks away. The fear of criticism showed the true weakness of the fascists. Nazi execution squads roamed through cites looking for deserters even in the final days of the regime, in a display of just how nuts the country had become under Hitler, the nutcase in chief. Hitler was able to convince Germans that his interest was their interest, and by the time many realized their error, it was too late.

While worrying about a revival of fascism in Europe, Americans have taken their eye off the ball in our own country, where "some" greedy, ruthless, wealthy Americans have done much to convince many an average American that by supporting their agenda and giving them tax cuts, that they are the real patriots. This is VERY dangerous folks and those of you who have bought into this nonsense have already become subservient to ideas that are NOT in your interest. Reasonable proposals are called "socialist" or "anti-American," unions are maligned and threatened by union busting laws, attacks on some of our most economically vulnerable citizens are orchestrated and the campaign against about 90% of the population is funded with tremendous financial resources of wealthy interests, and supported by misguided elements of the 90%. All the while the richest Americans become richer, as the rest of the country drifts or declines and many have already lost virtually everything in their lives. The rightist fanatics didn't spend all of that money on recent elections to promote fairness and democracy folks. No, and the "our interest is your interest" idea lurks behind the groups with benign sounding names they sponsor. Other fascist leaders of the past were supported by some wealthy interests, too. Like the German conservatives, American conservatives thought they were just using fringe groups and nutcases to gain power, but the fascists have overwhelmed them and taken control of at least parts of their formerly mainstream political party. Others have perverted religion to their own ends. They have opened up the doors and windows to these fanatics, but once you let fascists in, getting them out again can be VERY painful. It took almost the whole world to defeat Hitler. Finally some traditional conservatives are speaking out against the insanity, but many more are still needed, as far too many have failed to speak out against fascist propagandists like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and others. Speak up traditional American conservatives and Republicans! Show the nation you have some courage, before it takes the courage of a Sophie Scholl to out the fascists hiding behind YOUR name (see note **).

More in Part Four...

* Paul von Hindenburg was one of Germany's leading generals (a field marshal) in World War One and a popular and respected figure in the country in the aftermath of that war. He served as the elected president from the mid 1920s until his death in 1934, at the age of 86. While elderly, and some say a bit senile, he stood for reelection in 1932 (seven year presidential terms) and easily won against none other than Adolf Hitler, who, while the loser, solidified his position as a national political figure.

** During World War Two, college students Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans, and a friend, Christoph Probst, were arrested for distributing anti war leaflets at the University of Munich. They were "tried" before a Nazi court and then beheaded. There are several memorials and honors to this young courageous German woman and the other young Germans who tried to fight evil, and who gave their lives doing so. I hope all of you will be interested enough to read more about these German heroes, or to watch the movie, "Sophie Scholl-The Final Days," a German language movie, with English subtitles. Resistance to such evil takes tremendous courage. Since the end of the war, Germans have tried to come to terms with their Nazi history, which has been a gradual process, but they have made great progress. Polls of Germans show Sophie and Hans Scholl are viewed as some of the most important Germans in history.

Fascism-The ultimate origins of this word are uncertain, although it may go back to an Indo European form that had to do with bundles or loads of wood. It goes back to Latin "fasces," the plural form of "fascis," which meant "bundle of sticks." This gave Italian "fascio," with the same meaning, but also with the meaning "bundle or group," including with political connotations. Benito Mussolini's political movement took the derived name "fascismo" (fascism) in 1919, using the "fasces" as its emblem; that is, a bundle of wooden rods with an ax included; the bundle of rods symbolizing strength through numbers. English borrowed the word from Italian circa 1920.

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Blogger Johnniew said...

You went where I thought U'd go & U R right.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I do not see a Hitler in America at the present time. Although, I agree that We do need to be vigilant.

The Koch Brothers were brought up as Libertarians, their father was certainly on the fringe as head of the John Birch Society, All four brothers espouse libertarian approach, but two have captured the Republican Right and have funded the TeaPartiers to broaden their influence.

One of the other Brothers has supported gay marriage, which the Libertarian Policy supports in the Freedom of the individual.

The concept that Government is the panacea is just as radical as the far right. The more we rely on the Government to solve all social issues, control the economy the more we give up personal liberty and choice.

G Bush II campaign of compassionate conservatism make sense to me which was derailed by the War Mongers. If the government develops programs to assist the needy based on a consistent paradigm,a foreign policy that protects real American interests, and a defense policy that controls the seas and airspace, and space without trying to be the World's policeman. If we utilized the multi-national alliances to protect regional boundaries we will have more influence and more success. Iraq is an excellent example of American inability to understand the local/regional dynamics of politics. We replaced one stable despot with a new despot without the stability and unreal expectations of American intervention.

We could have undermined Hitler with a different foreign policy without evolving into a cold war with the Soviet Union. History does provide insight into how to tread unchartered waters, but we do not learn quickly.

7:08 PM  

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