Monday, May 05, 2014

As Emeril Says, "Who Makes Up These Rules?"

life and government aren't perfect, what sometimes "seems" reasonable, may not work or may be counterproductive; sometimes you've got to swallow hard and take a chance on something that seems to go against ingrained beliefs; the top people set the rules, which can then be broken by ... the top people; Hoover top down, Roosevelt, essentially bottom/middle up, where the top will reap many of the rewards anyway; "what kind of a signal does it send if we give people money?" Well, what kind of signal does it send when bankers and others in the mortgage industry bring the economy to its knees and then get bailed out by government, with few strings attached? ideological rigidity, almost by definition by conservatism, as "progressivism" means change; if you want a total change in the American economic system, you will not agree with me, but Bush/Obama did the right thing about the banks/auto companies bailouts; remember, Hoover changed things, but he didn't go far enough, FDR changed things more and was maligned by many at the top, but he saved their system, the system which has gave them such great lives; otherwise, what would have happened? History full of critical periods where change or complacency were obvious/Nicholas II, changed some, but neither enough nor fast enough/and he and Alexandra were too tied to the past and autocracy, so they forfeited not only their ruling position, but also their lives and the lives of their children and other family members  Much instability in the world today, as protests have become commonplace, where will we be? Bankers should have been held accountable, but weren't. In 2009/10, Ben Bernanke talked about dropping cash out of aircraft to thwart deflation; may not seem fair, but that's what might have actually been needed; notice, he did NOT say he was going to give bundles of cash to Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, LeBron James, the Koch brothers, Tim Tebow, Alex Rodriguez, the Walton family, or Mitt Romney, as although Bernanke is a Republican, he doesn't seem to be intimidated by the right wing and their absolute nonsense about giving money to the wealthy. THEY HAVE ENOUGH! so don't be doctrinaire, remember, the wealthiest of the wealthy have geared "the laws" to themselves and for their own benefit, not for YOU to benefit

Toe- While you may think this a bit far fetched, this word is actually related to "teach/teacher," the original underlying meanings of which were "show/pointer/someone who shows, points out," a now deceased relative of which was Old English "teon," which meant "to accuse;" that is, "point to someone as liable," which eventually was replaced by the borrowed word "accuse."  Old English ta (long "a," plural tan), contraction of *tahe (Mercian tahæ), from Proto-Germanic *taikhwo (cf. Old Norse ta, Old Frisian tane, Middle Dutch te, Dutch teen, Old High German zecha, German Zehe "toe"), originally meant "finger, pointer," from the notion "to show." verb from 1800s from noun. Middle English to, from Old English , (Mercian) tāhe, from Proto-Germanic *taihwǭ (compare Dutch teen, German Zehe, Swedish ), from Proto-Germanic *tīhwaną (to show, announce) (compare Old English teōn (to accuse), German zeihen (id.)), from Proto-Indo-European *deyḱ- (to show)

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