Saturday, January 03, 2015

Not Sure These Are Words Of Wisdom, But ...

I bought these in Germany, in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, back in the mid 1980s.

 "If you drink to forget, you should pay in advance."
 "When I gave up smoking, drinking and sex, that was the longest half hour of my life."
 "Work fascinates me! (I) could sit there and watch it for hours."
 "You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!"
 Do you think you could pick up my check? This was in Marks back then, which looks to be in the year 1988. It would have depended upon the exchange rate, but likely around $20 to $22.

When-This word goes back to Indo European interrogative root "kwo/quo," which formed the base of several words: who, what, where. This gave Old Germanic "hwanneh," meaning "when." This gave Old English (Anglo-Saxon) "hwonne" and "hwanne," which later became "whenne" and "whanne," before settling on just modern "when" (having more than one form was not uncommon in the Germanic languages; see related words, next). The other Germanic languages have: German "wann" (when) and "wenn" (if, when, whenever), Low German Saxon "wannehr" (when) and "wenn" (if, when) and "wann" (when), West Frisian "wannear" (when), Dutch "wanneer" (when, if), Icelandic "hvenear" (when). I did not find any forms in Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish.

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Blogger Johnniew said...

Like I already posted, you're my link to Germany.

1:08 PM  

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