Tuesday, June 09, 2020

No Excuses, VOTE!

* I'm omitting the "Word History" today. 

Don't sit on the sidelines and then complain. If you're not registered to vote, REGISTER! Remember, voter registration procedures are set by the STATES, not the national government. So, you must comply with the laws of your state of residence. SOME states have online voter registration, as well as other ways for people to register. Below, I've put the link to one of the great organizations for the support of democracy ... The League of Women Voters.

Remember too, if you are already registered to vote, or at least believe you are registered, CHECK your registration to be sure! There are occasions where people go to vote, only to be told their names are not on the registered voter lists. Also if you are already registered to vote, check your registration for any outdated information or errors. In these times of voter suppression, DO NOT take it for granted that you will be able to easily vote because you've been registered to vote for some lengthy period of time. It is best to check your registration.

Okay, so now you've registered to vote, now what? VOTE! Know where you have to go to cast your vote in person and what you will need in order to vote; that is, what type of identification you need. If you will be out of town on election day, contact your election officials to see how you can vote absentee (there may be other reasons you can vote absentee, but again, these laws are set by the individual states, so you will need to contact your state or local election officials for more information and that means, for example, if you live in Nebraska, just because Aunt Helen says they do things such and such a way in Florida, that may not have anything to do with what the laws are in Nebraska). SOME states allow voting by mail, so if that's how you would like to vote, find out from election officials the exact procedure you need to follow to vote by mail. DO NOT just ask Aunt Martha, cousin Sally, your brother, your sister, Grandpa Jones, or your next door neighbor about the procedures, find out from election officials.

In spite of the things I've written here, it is really not overly complicated to vote, although some despicable people have tried to make voting akin to running a marathon on a 100 degree day, but that's because they don't want you to vote! Most things about registering and then voting are common sense. If your personal doctor wants you to see a specialist 20 miles away, you would follow a certain procedure: make an appointment, find out the exact location of that specialist and get the information on the specific things you will need for your appointment, like identification and your insurance card. The 2020 election is likely to be the nastiest election campaign in the history of the United States and there are those who will do just about anything to prevent you from voting. DO NOT aid them in their attempts to silence your voice by not voting. If Americans do not see and counter the shadow of fascism hovering over our democracy, that shadow will darken the landscape and stifle the freedoms that many have fought to gain, preserve and expand since the latter part of the 1700s. VOTE!   

Here is the link to voting information:



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