Thursday, May 08, 2008

We're Ungrateful Toward The Oil Speculators?

With the meteoric rise in oil and gasoline, we heard from the "sit on their ass class" that speculation was NOT a big part of the high prices. Now, it seems there might be a change in strategy developing; that is, spin the story that high prices are good for everybody, and take credit for it!!! That's what I heard today on CNBC (cable business channel). One oil analyst almost fell to his knees and thanked God for the speculators who have driven prices almost to the heavens. He said that all of us should be grateful to the speculators and investors for keeping the prices rising, as this will force a change in lifestyles and bring about a faster development of alternative energy sources. So why don't I feel ashamed of myself? I hope the next time this guy goes to the doctor, he says something like, "Doc, my leg hurts." Then the doctor can tell him, "Take this arsenic and I guarantee your pain will stop." This is essentially the same prescription this guy has given to the country for oil and gasoline.

A couple of the other panelists looked dumbfounded when this guy uttered his statement, and a question arose for the first time that I've heard on CNBC: "Will all of these price rises (presumably in oil and food) bring about unrest? (Again, presumably in the United States) You could detect the unease in some, and I sure hope it is justified. I'm still very pessimistic about getting the country back from these SOBs, and I still really believe that eventually we will have to TAKE it back by force. I hope I'm wrong. My scenario will require that the U.S. military and the various law enforcement people will finally see the light and that they will decide to stop defending the system that protects the top 15-20% of income earners, to the detriment of the rest of Americans. Then we'll take back the country, PHYSICALLY! First though, we have an election nearing.

I assume all of you have heard the story of how Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Well, we've had the Republicans fiddle while the wealthy and business interests have totally taken over this country of ours. Now, those up for re-election in November are worried. I've got news, barring a major change in the course of the country in the next few months, there will be far fewer fiddlers in Congress after the next election, and those who survive will be playing a different tune. Then the Democrats better get this country moving toward more balance, or my scenario above will look better and better.

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