Friday, January 09, 2015

All-Powerful Deities Don't Need Your Help

To the religious fanatics of ALL faiths: If you believe your particular deity is all powerful, then that deity does not need your help by you committing atrocities against people you do not like. Plain and simple, you are going against the laws of most religions by killing and maiming others. You are murderers, not martyrs. We may not like some of the views of others, but the inability for us to deal with differing points of view shows weakness, not strength.

Deity-This word, related to "Tuesday," ^ and to Greek "Zeus," goes back to Indo European "deiwos," which meant "god." It was derived from Indo European "deyw/dyeu," which had the notion of "bright, shining," and by extension, of "sky," which led to the idea of "deiwos" meaning "god," as many gods were thought to live in the sky, also known as "the heavens." This gave Latin "deiuos," which then produced "deus" (god). This then gave Latin "deitas," meaning "godly way, divine manner." This gave Old French, a Latin-based language, "deité," with the same meaning. English borrowed the word from French in the 1300s, but the meaning eventually altered to become "god."  

^ For the history of the word "Tuesday," this is the link: 

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